

I got these seeds from a friends. We had a great afternoon time. <3 
They look so cute, do they?
I don't know what's name of these seeds in English, actually.


Illustration Friday:Boundaries

Hello, Illustration Friday. Nice to see you again.

The theme of this week is boundaries. I still remember when I studied in elementary school.
The boy and girl share a desk in the classroom.
Some childish boys like to play a joke on the girls and make they feel mad.
Girls always draw a line in the middle of desk and ask boys don't pass it.
Did I do that? Of course I did. :P



How was your weekend? 
There was a typhoon not far from my country. It was almost rainy all the time. 

I got a package last week, my sister sent Robby two toys.
One of them is a mouse tumbler, Robby seems like it very much.
And the carton of package looks like a sweet bed for Robby.

By the way, I saw a lovely dog is smiling today morning, SO CUTE.


can't sleep

you know what? It's am2:00 right now. But I can't fall asleep. I feel upset now. May I have a sweet dream as soon as possible?



I'm still here but a little busy.
I've painted on my sketchbook about things what I did on Apr. 17th.
Enjoy it.



lovely night, lovely cat

I really love this picture. 
My lovely cat-Robby. He's sleeping on my laps, though he's 6 kilo.


Nice to see you again.

It's been a long time since I updated the latest time. How's everything going?
I've got the flu before Chinese New Year. It was really uncomfortable.
Hope everything is going to well to you.

I just thought about my future. I have a lot of plans, but I still can't make up my mind.
It's really a big problem for me. :-(
Forget it! I may find the way for myself one day.

ps. I shoot these two pictures from "Ino cafe". It's a nice coffee shop for reading, writing and talking with your friends.


ps.照片是在勤美前面綠園道旁的"ino cafe"咖啡館拍的,氣氛很好的一家店


Sketchbook project 2011: pg.1-pg.9

This is my first time to join the Sketchbook project 2011.
I spent about one month to do this sketchbook.
I'd like to say "thank you" to my English teacher.
She helped me to translation on page 1.
I'm not very good in English, but I still done my best on the descriptions.
Hope you will like it.

My theme is "Down your street"

There's a wonderful coffee shop not far from my house.

I painted and printed these stickers for my homework before.
That seemed good to stick them on my sketchbook. 

There're so many details in these two pages, but I really love them.

I just want to painting my cat in this sketchbook :P

Hope you like them. See you on the next page.

去年2010年,我參加了美國The Brooklyn Art Library辦的素描本計劃,報名後,活動單位會寄一本素描本給你,並在規定的期限內,也就是在2011年1月15日之前把素描本完成,然後寄回去,他們將會在3月份開放展覽,並且素描本會在美國許多州內進行"巡迴",是的,就像明星的演唱會一樣。


Illustration Friday: Deja-vu

"Deja-vu" sounds sexy :D

My friend and I talked about cereal. 
We love the cereal for snake in our childhood.
I love the flavor of chocolate.
I thought cereal is the best food in the world when I was a little girl.
How about you? Do you like cereal?
Please comment me feel free, and enjoy my painting.


2 in 1 card for holidays

I've done them last year.(about 28 cards and 80% handmade) 

Is it just a Christmas card? Of course NOT!

Open a piece of blue paper, then you'll see...

Haha, surprised. Happy Rabbit year! (Rabbit is one of the twelve animals symbolizing the Twelve Branches used to designate years in some country.)
Also, 2011 is Rabbit year.

It's not easy to design, cut, process 28 cards by oneself.
I plan to make cards without any decorations this year, if my imagination can.